Tuesday, May 24, 2011


only got 5hrs of sleep last night
I'm going to try and take a 2-3
hr nap so i can get a full 8hrs n
get 10pts. so atm I have 5 pts

and for breakfast i had a weight
loss shake witch is probably 50
cals, I'm not sure if that counts
cuz its supposed to help you lose
weight but ill count it anyways 

trying for 40 pts today so
going to keep the cals down
to 0-200 = 10 points

or 201-350 = 8 points

i hope everyone else is doing great
let me know if u wana know the 
detail on the mary kate challange

in my opinion her body is perfect


  1. I'd like to know the detail on the mary kate challenge.

  2. I will be posting it in my blog today then :]
